6th ‘impressionist’ exposition slideshow



Impressionism, a historical reconstruction:


of the

6th ‘impressionist’ exposition 1881

What pictures were shown at the 6th ‘impressionist’ exposition?
In 1881 the ‘6me exposition de peinture‘ was held in Paris. This exposition is now mostly called the 6th ‘impressionist’ exposition. There were 14 partakers. The catalogue rendered the numbers 1-170, but in reality there were about 186 art-works exhibited. Several techniques/media were used. On this page you will find an accounted impression of these exhibited art-works, I render more than 160 pictures. See the accounts of the partakers and the clarification at the bottom of this page. If you double click on the first picture and then click on full screen, you can create a slideshow. On a smartphone or laptop you can also zoom in. Enjoy!


On this page you find 161 suggestions for the about 186 art-works that were exhibited at the 6th ‘impressionist’ exposition in 1881.
Note: the given suggestions vary from certain (=!), to almost certain (=?!), to uncertain (=?), to very uncertain (=??), to most uncertain (=???), to compare (=compare:) with another work of the artist, to compare with a similar work from another artist or even a photo. Sometimes (25x) I have no suggestion at all, namely catalogue no.10 (Cassatt), no.32 (Gauguin), no.48+53 (Guillaumin), nos. 110 + 124 (Raffaëlli), nos.125 + 126 +128 +134 + 136 +138 +139 (Rouart), nos. 140 + 141 + 142 + 143 + 144 + 145 + 147 + 148 + 149-1 +149-2 +149-3 +149-4 (Tillot). Helas, of several options I could only find a picture in black and white, namely no.17 of Degas; no.23 of Forain; nos. 57 + 59 +60 +62 +hc of Morisot; nos. 77 + 79 +84 +85 of Pissarro; no.95+115 of Raffaëlli; no.167 of Zandomeneghi. The following pictures I render to compare are quite weak: nos. 101 +114 of Raffaëlli; no.131 of Rouart; no.169 (Zandomeneghi). See the accounts of the partakers. See link for an explanation of the subscriptions.


Recommanded citation: “Impressionism, a historical reconstruction: Slideshow of the 6th ‘impressionist’ exposition in 1881. Last modified 2024/03/09. https://www.impressionism.nl/6th-impressionist-exposition-slideshow/.”

Note: More accurate and extended suggestions will follow. Additional pictures will be added.