Astruc: overview sculptures



Impressionism, a historical reconstruction:

Zacharie Astruc 



a thematical overview

What sculptures are known of Zacharie Astruc? What sculptures did he exhibited at the Salon de Paris? Astruc is a side-figure within Impressionism,  still, it is a pity there are not many pictures known of him. On this page I render most of the sculptures I found and also the titles of the sculptures he exhibited, at the Salon (=S), at the Société des Artistes Français (=SdAF), at the auction at Hôtel Drouot (=HD1878) and at the Salon de la Rose+Croix (=SRC-1897). I will render them thematically. When there is some resemblance to sculptures he exhibited, I will indicate it. See also my account. You will see that Zacharie Astruc stands most of all in a Realist tradition (aR22,p57). See links about identification of pictures and the subscription of the pictures. See for the used sources at the bottom of the main page about Zacharie Astruc.


Sculptures / bustes:
Note: I will render them thematically.

S1869-3226, Le moine; bas-relief, plâtre
SdAF-1893- 2513, Le moine “l’extase dans le sommeil”; statue, marbre
HD1878/04/11-111, Moine en méditation
HD1878/04/11-99, Saint François d‘Assise ; Copié à Tolède d’après l’original d’Alonzo Cano
HD1878/04/11-123, Épreuve du saint François d’Assise

S1877-3575, Portrait de Mme I.-Z. Astruc; buste, plâtre
SdAF-1883-3293, Portrait d’Isabelle Zacharie Astruc; buste, bronze; (Appartient à M. Léon Ochs)
SdAF-1897- 2657, Ma fille Isabelle; buste, plâtre
S1878-4017, Carmen; buste, plâtre
SdAF-1892-2232, “Carmen”; buste, bronze

SdAF-1885- 3306, Le roi Midas; statue, plâtre
SdAF-1888- 3737, Le roi Midas; statue, bronze

SdAF-1881-3585, Portrait de M. Edouard Manet; buste, bronze; Appartient à M. Manet
SdAF-1888- 3738, Portrait de M. le comte Fabre de l’Aude; buste, bronze

SdAF-1887- 3595, Hamlet; scène des comédiens / (Shakespeare); Sculpture
SdAF-1901-2959, Hamlet (scène des comédiens) ; statue, marbre (MBA Bordeaux; iR23)
SdAF-1894-?, Blanche de Castille, moulage, plâtre (MC Douai; iR23).
SdAF-1886- 2510, Mars et Vénus; groupe, plâtre
SdAF-1891-2239, Le repos de Prométhée; statue, plâtre

SdAF-1884-3255, Portrait de M. P. Stevens; buste, plâtre
SdAF-1899- 3163, Le sâr Peladan; buste, plâtre
S1872-1546, Dom Bazile; bas-relief, plâtre
S1874-2647, Portrait de M. F. Ponce; bas-relief, plâtre
SdAF-1880- 6060, Portrait du chanteur Barroilhet; bas-relief, plâtre

S1870-4250, L’Enfant au jouet; bas-relief, plâtre
18xx, L’enfant au chien, plâtre, 113cm, MBA Angers (iR23)
S1869-3225, Homme lisant; médaillon, plâtre

SdAF-1889-3989, Perce-neige; statue, plâtre (MBA Angers; iR23;M18)
SdAF-1908-2810, Perce Neige, marble (iR23)
S1878-4016, L’Aurore; bas-relief, plâtre
18xx, Trois villes: Nices, Cannes, Menton (a related groupe), plaster, 17×93, MBA Angers (iR23)


Sculpture: Le marchand de masques:
(and related works)
S1870-4251, Portrait de M. Barbey d’Aurevilly; médaillon, plâtre
SRC-1897-4, Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly (haut-relief)
S1876-3051, Portrait de M. Barbey d’Aurevilly; buste, bronze
SRC-1897-3, Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly (buste bronze)
SdAF-1882-4069, Le marchand de masques ; statue, plâtre. Noms des masques : 1.B. d’Aurevilly – 2.Balzac -3.De Banville – 4.Berlioz – 5.Carpeaux – 6.Corot – 7.Delacroix – 8.Dumas – 9.Faure – 10.Gambetta – 11.Gounod – 12.Hugo.
SdAF-1883-3293, Le Marchand de masques ; statue, bronze / Noms des masques : 1.B. D’Aurevilly, 2.Balzac, 3.De Banville, 4.Berlioz, 5.Carpeaux, 6.Corot, 7.Delacroix, 8.Dumas 9.Faure, 10.Gambetta, 11.Gounod, 12.Hugo ; statue, bronze
SdAF-1889-3990, Portraits masques; Sculpture.

Other sculptures:

SdAF-1908-2810, Perce Neige, marble (iR23)
S1878-4016, L’Aurore; bas-relief, plâtre
18xx, Trois villes: Nices, Cannes, Menton (a related groupe), plaster, 17×93, MBA Angers (iR23)



Recommanded citation: “Impressionism: Zacharie Astruc, a thematical overview of his sculptures. Last modified 2024/05/21.”