Bureau: overview titles pictures



Impressionism, a historical reconstruction:

Pierre-Isidore Bureau


Titles of his pictures

a topographical and thematical overview


On this page you will find a topographical and thematical overview of the known titles of the paintings of Pierre-Isidore Bureau. Most titles are from the works he exhibited at the 1st ‘impressionist’ exposition of 1874, the 2nd ‘impressionist’ exposition in 1876 and at the Salon. You will also find links to Google-maps for the locations (iR9). Some works will be mentioned more than one time.
See for the used sources at the bottom of the main page on Pierre-Isidore Bureau. See link for all his known pictures.



A thematical overview of the titles of his (exhibited) works:
Pierre Bureau often repeated several themes:

S1867-240, Clair de lune, sur les bords de l’Oise, à l’Isle-Adam
1IE-1874-35, Bords de l’Oise, Isle-Adam, clair-de-lune
1IE-1874-35bis, Clair-de-lune
S1870-417, Vue prise aux environs d’Arras; clair de lune
S1872-234, Clair de lune, à Jouy-le-Comte (Seine-et-Oise)
2IE-1876-10, Jouy-le-Comte, clair de lune
2IE-1876-13, Meules au clair de lune

A harvest scene:
SdR1873-218, Après la moisson
2IE-1876-13, Meules au clair de lune

Entrance of a village:
S1869-358, Entrée de village
2IE-1876-12, Entrée de village à Champagne, près l’Isle-Adam
2IE-1876-14, Entrée de Nesles

A road:
S1866-293, Chemin d’une carrière à Parmain
S1874-284, Route de Champagne, près de l’Isle-Adam (Seine-et-Oise)
2IE-1876-9, Route de Champagne, près l’Isle-Adam


A topographical overview of the titles of his (exhibited) works:
Pierre Bureau often painted in the same surroundings:

Lies about 60km north-west of Paris, about 10km north-east of Pontoise, see map.
S1867-240, Clair de lune, sur les bords de l’Oise, à l’Isle-Adam

Surroundings of L’Isle-Adam:
S1865-336, Chaumières à Butry
S1866-292, Chaumière à Butry
S1866-293, Chemin d’une carrière à Parmain
SdR1873-219 Malakoff (campagne près l’Isle-Adam)
2IE-1876-11, Château de Valmondois
2IE-1876-14, Entrée de Nesles
18xx, Forêt près de l’Isle-Adam, 46×56, A1994/06/19 (iR13)

Lies north of L’Isle-Adam, see map.
S1872-234, Clair de lune, à Jouy-le-Comte (Seine-et-Oise)
2IE-1876-10, Jouy-le-Comte, clair de lune
1IE-1874-33, Le Clocher de Jouy-le-Comte
1IE-1874-34, Près de l’étang de Jouy-le-Comte

Champagne-sur-Oise lies just west of L’Isle-Adam, see map.
S1876-314, Le coteau de Champagne, près de l’Isle-Adam (Seine-et-Oise)
S1874-284, Route de Champagne, près de l’Isle-Adam (Seine-et-Oise)
2IE-1876-9, Route de Champagne, près l’Isle-Adam
2IE-1876-12, Entrée de village à Champagne, près l’Isle-Adam
2IE-1876-15, Avoines dans la plaine de Champagne

Painted elsewhere in France:
S1870-417, Vue prise aux environs d’Arras; clair de lune
2IE-1876-16, Usine à Pacy-sur-Eure
18xx, Vue du Pont de Chennevieres, 61×81, A1990/05/20 (iR13)
18xx, Paysage de la Marne, on board, 50×64, A1990/05/20 (iR13)

Painted in Holland:
Pierre-Isidore Bureau exhibited works made in Rotterdam and in Zaandam, Holland.
Did Bureau made one or more trips to Holland? When? With whom? Note: Monet also painted in Zaandam in 1870+71.

S1868-379, Souvenir de Rotterdam
S1870-416, Canal à Zandam; moulin en construction


Recommanded citation: “Impressionism: Pierre-Isidore Bureau, a topographical and thematical overview of the titles of his pictures. Last modified 2024/06/26. https://www.impressionism.nl/bureau-overview-titles-pictures/