Nittis, Giuseppe de: expo 1874



Impressionism, a historical reconstruction:

Giuseppe (Joseph) de Nittis


at the 1st ‘impressionist’ exposition in 1874

an impression of his art-works


What paintings did Giuseppe de Nittis show in 1874?
On this page you will find an accounted impression of the art-works that the Italian Joseph de Nittis showed at the 1st ‘impressionist’ exposition of 1874 in Paris. He showed at least 6, but assumably 8 art-works (catalogue numbers 115-118bis+hc). Many of them were made in Italy. First I render more likely suggestions. Later on I render more works to compare. Below you will find a short explanation. Note: If you double click on the first picture and then click on full screen, you can create a slideshow. Enjoy!


Compare works with the same motives:
Giuseppe de Nittis depicted the Vesuvius many times and also roads in Italy. I render some works to compare, sometimes given as suggestion by other sources for no.117 and 118bis.


There were no descriptive reviews and Giuseppe de Nittis rendered the used themes many times. So all the given suggestions are (very) uncertain. Still, a letter of De Nittis from 1874/04/23 gives some more indications.
No.115: the title is just mentioned in a review. The sources render no suggestions (R2;R87;R90;R410). I can’t find a painting made in Blois (R277). To compare I render a random landscape.
No.116 depicted a moonrise at the Vesuvius. I couldn’t find 1 painting depicting this. To compare I render a sunrise at the Vesuvius and a moonlandscape made elsewhere. Patry/Robbins render a work that doesn’t depict a moonrise (R410,p271).
No. 117 depicted a landscape at the Vesuvius. De Nittis depicted this many times. Adhemar, Moffett and Patry/Robins render suggestions. But, a title in his letter 1874/04/23 suggests it depicted at least two horses on the slopes of the Vesuvius (R411). I render the suggestion of Adhemar and two more uncertain options.
No.118 are studies of women. A review indicates it were etchings (aR17=iR437). Patry/Robbins suggest an etch made in 1873 of which De Nittis made 4 states. I will render all four states. Other sources render no suggestion (R2;R87;R90) or an oil painting (DMM691=R277).
No.118bis depicted a road in Italy. De Nittis depicted this several times. Adhemar and Moffett suggest Piceni 19. A review suggests the picture that was exhibited at the Salon of 1872, which I will render.
No.118bis+hc: According to his letter 1874/04/23 De Nittis also showed a work titled ‘Grande étude des Laves noires’ outside the catalogue (R411). I render two very uncertain options depicting black lava.
See the link for an account. See link for an explanation of the subscriptions and the used sources below at the main page about Giuseppe de Nittis.


Recommanded citation: “Impressionism: Giuseppe (Joseph) de Nittis, an impression of his paintings exhibited at the 1st ‘impressionist’ exposition in 1874. Last modified 2024/06/01.